VBM Pro | Virtual Business Manager

Now that you know where your target audience it, take the next step and engage with them. Did you know that you can use the community as a base for your next project research; or as your focus group if your are testing some new product, approach? Just think about the mix of people, all the news, opinions and ideas they are exchanging, as well as the feedback they are providing. Utilize polls, questionnaires and forums that are fully available to you and your company.

You can also tie your customer service and marketing right into your online interaction. Offer specials, post announcements, thank a client for a positive review, answer a question about your product or service that you are often asked, etc.

But keep in mind that transparency is your best policy: nowadays it doesn’t take much for a dissatisfied customer to ruin your reputation – and you might not even be aware of all the negative comments posted about you and your company. So do your best to offer a rapid response to inquiries, offer additional information about your product and service and simply be honest.

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